We at Inspire Kindy Photos just wanted to recap on the experience your children and their centres will engage with when we are hired.
We understand a lot of people are accustomed to a set way of how Photographers operate, school photos especially but we wanted to clarify how we work so you know what to expect.

We attend your centres on the set days that your centre will notify you off. ALL FINAL orders MUST be in the Sunday prior to the week we attend your session, Under no circumstances will late orders be permitted.
Please understand we are hired on certain days and have ALOT of Children to photograph with as little disruption to the centre as possible, so on our very first day at your centre we aim to photograph every child in attendance, this means we need all orders in as we simply CANNOT afford to reshoot them at a later day as it put out the entire running system we work as well as creating confusion across the image filing. For this reason we insist on having FINAL orders in by the Sunday of your centres session so we are entering your centre with orders and a firm understanding of what package and number of images we need to capture of your children, and we would HATE to miss out on capturing the correct number of images you pay for if you order late.

We also work each day from Nursery to Kindy classes, from 8:30am until those in attendance are photographed, so please understand if you request your child be photographed straight away, they will be photographed first in their class when we enter their room as we cannot go from room to room for 1 or 2 children as this simply causes too much disruption. We also ask that if your child only attends on the last day that we are there please attend as early as we can, our last day is our fastest day and we shoot until we have finished photographing those there in attendance, we cannot wait around the centre for children to attend upon us finishing photographing. Also, please ensure your child’s teacher is aware if you have a spare change of clothes for your children to be photographed in so we know they need to be changed.
When it comes to Sibling photos, these packages are available as an ADD ON to individual packages so please ensure you purchase the individual plus the sibling packages, and ensure you note who the siblings are on each order so we don’t overlook them. We capture these sessions from Nursery to Kindy in order of rooms so if you have one sibling in Nursery we will get the older sibling and capture them both whilst doing the Nursery room.

Inspire Kindy Photos are a natural candid styled Day Care Photographer, we work in terms of what suits your child at the time of their photography time, if they don’t wish to sit in a certain place and get upset by being asked to we will interact with them and ask them where they wish to play so we can ensure their genuine real smiles are visible for you. This means that not every image from every class will be held in the exact same location, some may vary from playing, some may sit in a garden, it really is up to them, and that’s the way we want it to be. The photos are after all about your children and we do all we can to get genuine smiles from them, so if you see the class image and wonder why your child, or another is photographed with a different background, its simply what worked best for that child at the time 🙂

Every child is different, every child has their unique flare and their own personalities, and every child prefer their own things, and that is exactly what we work with!
Let your child be themselves, dress them in what they are commonly comfortable in, and expect nothing but their true personality to shine through. We would also suggest you talk to them prior to our arrival so they don’t get scared when we arrive there.

So we will arrive at the centre on Day 1, start in the Nursery room and work through room by room photographing every student who is there- Unless specifically requested otherwise upon ordering. We will capture your child in the area within the outdoor area that they choose so they are most comfortable, we capture enough photos that line up with the orders we have, If your child has no order upon that first day of shooting we will simply photograph a singular image towards their class image and they will be marked off our run sheet as completed and their file numbers will be marked for our back end organisation, this is why we ask you to please ensure your orders are finalised by the Sunday prior to our arrival.